My Qualifications
I have been training dogs in Obedience, Search & Rescue & Agility since 1997. My dog has her CD (AKC Companion Dog Title). I am certified in Pet Firstaid. I am an AKC certified Canine Good Citizen evaluator. |
Your dog(s) will recieve lots of love & attention while visiting our Doggie Bed & Breakfast.
Tyson's Story
Tyson is a dog I fostered from January to April. To make a long story short, Tyson has been through abandonment, changed outside for long periods of time and moving with his owner from house to house. They have had a string of really bad luck in the past couple of years. Tyson is a boxer mix. His picture is below. Tyson's owner was hit by a SUV on 12/31/03. Tyson's owner is a friend of my husband and I. I felt the only thing we could do for him was to care for Tyson and work on his aggression issues. We made progress in this area. Aggression is a VERY TOUGH ISSUE. Tyson was given to me by his wife and I paid for his vet expenses because his shots were not updated, he needed to have a heartworm test and neutering.
Within a few weeks, I could have him around my dogs without a muzzle and I can tell him to leave the cat alone and he listens. He still wants to eat the kitty, he just knows that is a no! no! He came a long way in a short period of time. |
Plan Now For That Long Weekend or Vacation
Now's the time to start planning for what you are going to do with your dog(s) while you are away on vacation. Don't wait until the last minute.
To arrange a visit call me at 513-378-8383. You must e-mail me from your own e-mail account because you cannot link from this site.
Current Training In Progress
Hilliary is currently in training for her Novice A title in Agility.
Jagger is in Intermediate Obedience. I think he will be there a while, but he is showing promise.
Jagger got 4th place in our first conformation show 11/17/01 in Columbus.
February 23, 2002 I handled Cat Weil's dog Timber in an Agility Trial and got a leg towards his Open Jumpers with Weaves titles with a score of 90. Timber was one of the top Agility Chesapeake Bay Retrievers in the country.
Jagger & Hilliary have passed the test to become Therapy Dogs.
Jagger & Hilliary have worked as Therapy Dogs at an Alzheimers Center. They are currently busy on the show circuit and have taken time off the Therapy Dog Work
Jagger had a qualifying score of 181 at the Fun Match on May 18th.
